13 year old Kills a MI
Bull Elk!!!

Michigan bull elk tags are a once in a life time oppurtunity.

The Hunt went way better than we could have ever planned. In fact we had planned to start hunting on public land. Her dad went up several days before the hunt to scout and find where the elk were at. He was successful in finding some elk on public. On Thursday night he found a nice bull on public. Early Friday morning on the way to that spot, he found a group of bulls on private. We ended up getting permisison to hunt on the small property. We just had to hope they were back in the same spot the next morning. We got there well before daylight and could see them out in the field. Then we waited for it to get light out. 20 minute after it was light enough to shoot she settled the crosshairs on the Big 7X6 and dropped him at 418 yards. We could have never imagined the hunt would go this well. We had 5 people up there to help with hunt, they all go to watch it all go down. Pretty awesome expereience not just for Acacia but her dad and both grandpas were part of the hunt, along with a couple other friends. Her odds of drawing that tag with 3 points was less than 00.05%. They only gave out 80 bull tags with 425,000 applications (she had 3 chances). We thought we were going to have to work really hard, hike a long ways and hope we could get on a bull. But God had other plans. He is so much better of guide then we could have ever been. This isn't just in this hunt, but in life. We often try to go through life making plans, working hard, trying to be 'good enough'. The reality is we can't ever be good enough, We are sinful fallen, broken people, we can't repair our broken relationship with God. It is not about doing more good than bad or somehow fixing it. But that is where Jesus comes in. He lived the perfect life and went to the cross to pay the penality for our sins (he took what we deserved). When by faith we accept His gift we are forever changed. You might think you are too far away, have done too much bad or like you aren't worthy, that is not the case.


We are an Outdoor Ministry that helps churches and
hosts events geared towards Outdoors People.

A 3746 Byron Center Ave SW, Wyoming, MI 49519
E info@sportspersonsministries.com
M (616) 990-1075

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