Our Services Pursuing the Ultimate Adventure.

Faith Driven Events

We host a variety of our own outdoor events or can help your group plan an outdoor event. 

Big Lake Fishing Ministry

Fishing on Lake Michigan for salmon providing a great space for fellowship & have conversations as we share acitivities together.

Guest Speaking

need a speaker for an event, we can speak or have a network of other speakers that we can connect you with.


Each year we teach several Hunter Safety classes through the MI DNR and offer a variety of other outdoor educational opputunities.


Want to start or expand or an outdoor ministry at your church, let us coach you through that process.

Outdoor Trips

Periodically we offer hunting and fishing trip or can help your group plan an outdoor trip.

Sportspersons Ministries
Our Purpose

Sportspersons Ministries International exists to connect outdoors people with God, through  trust in Jesus Christ.  We do this by offering outdoors events with a ministry focus, aiding churches in their ministry efforts, and connecting businesses who have a desire to make a difference in the lives of outdoors people.

Sportspersons Ministries

Donate Now

Find ways to support the ministry including donations, prayer, and opportunities to get connected. Purchase books and devotionals for outdoorsmen

Latest Events Pursuing the Ultimate Adventure.

Hunters Safety Field Day

Hunters Safety Field Day

Sign up at the DNR website HERE. The online DNR course must be completed prior to class start.

Beginning August 28th at

Buck Creek Church

5pm - 9pm

3746 Byron Center Ave SW, Wyoming, MI 49519

Deer Hunting 101 Course

Deer Hunting 101

Are you new to hunting? Looking to understand the sport further and gain skills from experianced hunters?

Sportspersons Ministries is hosting a Deer Hunting 101 course to teach the ins and outs of deer hunting to any new sportperson.

This weekend-long hunting class will be hosted at Cranhill Ranch. The event will include all meals as well as lodging. $100 / Person. This is not a guided hunt it is a learning adventure.

Students are asking to bring thier own stands, but will be provided hunting locations pre-scouted by staff durring the trip in the Haymarsh State Game area.

More Info

Support & Partners Pursuing the Ultimate Adventure.

Sportspersons Ministries

Find ways to support the ministry including donations, prayer, and opportunities to get connected.


We are an Outdoor Ministry that helps churches and
hosts events geared towards Outdoors People.

A 3746 Byron Center Ave SW, Wyoming, MI 49519
E info@sportspersonsministries.com
M (616) 990-1075

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